sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010

The court of life

The ball bounces at the court. Every step here could be another mistake. As a skilled player, not more than three steps at this point. “Can a bounce compare to a heartbeat?” He was advised not to let this get in the way of his game. But he insists on forgetting the game of life cannot be contested. So, he marches on to another victory, just to feel empty again in the end. “Did it even matter?”- asks his mother. He can’t hide his pain to the ones that love him.
There will be other girls; the heart also has four quarters. So “game on”, he answers to his mom. A celebration at the Diner Lounge and then the ritual is complete. His senior year finishes with glory. A scout comes to him, coincidentally or not, to discuss further seasons. A smile and a handshake to finish the deal. The Game wins again.
“Whenever one lets his life be decided by others, he refuses to be the captain of his soul”, ironically was the best advice he ever had from his late father. He is now letting others decide his destiny, choosing The Game over his love. On second thought, he loves It. Can someone love both at the same time: A girl and a court? His tears over the goodbye letter he’s going to deliver answer the doubt. A faint heart can stand the loss of faith, and keep beating. But “a lonely heart can’t be divided between a bounce and a beat for someone we really care for”. That’s his mother's lesson.
With another smile, he tears the letter down. No letters of recommendation this year. He steps at her door, and she’s lying there, just waiting. “You’re part of the game I never want to lose”- he says wiping his tears. A gentle kiss, and every other game is meaningless now, because he is invincible with her.

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