domingo, 25 de julho de 2010

The stopping-power

A man thinks his world can be limited to the decision of taking a shot or remaining in the silence. He’s a cop off duty. Coordination fails, pulses send temptations to his mind. The woman stands still at the bar, waiting for words of charm. A bullet makes its course freely. No barriers to contain it. The combination of red meat and wine courses throughout the body. No silence can be maintained at the streets of the heart nor the thoughts in the brain. As deadly as a bullet sounds can be the beat of a desiring heart.
Whoever passes along the club has no meaning towards his resolve. The stopping-power is defined by the next swing of the glass in his hand. No harm is done in the attempt, but the woman refuses to look back. Her will is that of a lioness and the prey can be anyone.
“Whenever a man has to take the lead, he cannot do so without the approval of his target”, he revises his lesson in his mind. As he takes less than four seconds to feel the excitement, she can take four minutes or more. He whispers to her right ear words of seduction under a soft voice. A shiver over her back shows interest. She never saw his approaching.
Despite the conquest, after series of shots, he won’t go home with her tonight. No more than kisses and caresses, as the stopping-power of the two-letter word reaches his left ear. “I’m just a prey”, he thinks. No man can stand tall over the will of the true “Queen of the jungle”. She devours, and is never devoured.

Pra quem não achar muito clara a comparação entre uma bala e a palavra “no”, me refiro ao stopping-power, que é atribuído ao efeito do poder de parada ou paralização de um alvo através de um projétil, estudado na balística, se não me engano, portanto me perdoem os detalhistas se estiver errado!

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